Thursday, September 6, 2012

Social Networking ~ Creating Your Profile Page

After signing up and choosing an appropriate user name for your Social Media sites, you'll want to Launch your Profile Pages.....
Before you launch into creating your personal profile – take a few minutes to search the profiles of others including your competition.
What do you like?
What do people do well?
What don’t you like?
Consider what your audience will prefer and respond to. And go back to your goals. Try to maintain a consistent brand image and personality.

Here's a few tips:

• Profile Page Essentials

1. Your Name. This is particularly important if you are identified with your business. When people search for you, and they will, they need to be able to find you.

2. Your Business Website URL. This is second in importance to your name but only slightly. Half the purpose of networking is to drive traffic to your website.

3. Personal Information – This can include photos, videos and other relevant information. Use this space to connect with people. Talk about what you do and why.

Once you have your profile it’s time to start interacting!


Take a look at my facebook page,  and Comment below, with the answers to the questions above!  I'll send 2 lucky responders a FREE Soul Purpose Product!!!  (I'll contact you for your mailing address when I see your post below!)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

How to deal with negative reviews - Hotfrog Small Business how-tos

Dealing with negative customer feedback has never been easy.
Today, that difficulty is considerably multiplied given the broad online exposure of most small businesses. As soon as an online review takes a life of its own, there is no stopping the cascading effects for your business reputation. So, how do you contain the beast? (click below to read more....)

How to deal with negative reviews - Hotfrog Small Business how-tos

Friday, August 24, 2012

Smart Blogging Skills “Shareability” Checklist

Smart Blogging Skills
“Shareability” Checklist.
Presented by

This check list helps you to judge whether your blog is ready share with others. It's important to 'Be Ready' for prime time when you're working hard to build up your reputation.
Keep your niche in mind: You will want to adjust the checklists to include social media that fits your target market and remove those that wouldn't be a good fit.
I wish you all the best as you begin sharing your new blog!

Kelly McCausey
Smart Blogging Skills
A 15 Week Step by Step Course for new Bloggers.

Share Readiness Level One: Minimal
(You can share it with your best friend if you must.)
About page written
Contact information published Three good blog posts written RSS button on site.

Share Readiness Level Two: Ok
(You can tweet 'take a peek, I'm almost finished' if you want.)
About page written
Contact information published
Disclaimer and privacy policy published.
Nice pic of you on the about page
Five good blog posts written
RSS button on site.
Social media icons on sidebar (or use plugin to display on side or bottom of browser)
Twitter set up & posted to a dozen times.
Share Readiness Level Three: Good (Go ahead and tell some more people.)
Customized blog header or logo About page written
Contact information published Disclaimer and privacy policy published.
Nice pic of you on the about page Eight good blog posts written
RSS button on site.
Social media icons on sidebar (or use plugin to display on side or bottom of browser)
Twitter set up & posted to a 20+ times
Facebook page created.
Mailing list optin form on sidebar.

Share Readiness Level Four: Better
(You can start leaving comments on related blogs.)
Customized blog header or logo
About page written
Contact information published & easy contact form in place.
Disclaimer and privacy policy published.
Have a search form easily visible
Nice pic of you on the about page
Eight good blog posts written
RSS button on site.
Social media icons on sidebar (or use plugin to display on side or bottom of browser)
Twitter set up & posted to 20+
Google+ set up & posted to a few times.
Facebook page created.
Using Social Media Plugin that makes submitting (likes, shares, etc) your content easy.
Mailing list optin form on sidebar.
Mailing list subscriber gift created & eCover displayed above opt in form.

Share Readiness Level Five: Great (Start guest blogging like crazy!)
Customized blog header or logo
About page written
Contact information published & easy contact form in place.
Disclaimer and privacy policy published.
Have a search form easily visible
Nice pic of you on the about page
Eight good blog posts written
RSS button on site.
Social media icons on sidebar (or use plugin to display on side or bottom of browser)
Twitter set up & posted to 20+
Google+ set up & posted to 10+
Pinterest set up & a few items pinned. (added to social media icons)
Facebook page created.
Using Social Media Plugin that makes submitting (likes, shares, etc) your content easy.
Mailing list optin form on sidebar.
Mailing list subscriber gift created & eCover displayed above optin form.
Mailing list squeeze page created with good copy promoting your mailing list.
Use a recent posts plugin for your sidebar
Use a related posts plugin to recommend additional content at the bottom of your posts.
Your sidebar contains relevant cross promotion to other projects.
One multimedia post created. (Use audio or video.)

Share Readiness Level Six: Awesome!
(You are ready to rock the world and reach out to niche thought leaders with pride in your hard work.)
Customized blog header or logo
About page written
Contact information published & easy contact form in place.
Disclaimer and privacy policy published.
Have a search form easily visible
Nice pic of you on the about page
Eight good blog posts written
RSS button on site.
Social media icons on sidebar (or use plugin to display on side or bottom of browser)
Twitter set up & posted to 20+
Google+ set up & posted to 10+
Pinterest set up & a 25+ items pinned.
Tumblr set up & a few items posted. (added to social media icons)
Facebook page created.
Using Social Media Plugin that makes submitting (likes, shares, etc) your content easy.
Mailing list optin form on sidebar.
Mailing list subscriber gift created & eCover displayed above optin form.
Mailing list squeeze page created with good copy promoting your mailing list.
Use a recent posts plugin for your sidebar
Use a related posts plugin to recommend additional content at the bottom of your posts.
Your sidebar contains relevant cross promotion to other projects.
Three multimedia post created. (Using audio or video.)
Great guest post published by another blogger in your niche.
Offer a free webinar event to grow your mailing list. (Optin page set up, blog post announcement)

Smart Blogging Skills

Monday, August 6, 2012

Marketing Collaterals, a key peice for your business!

I created this using the PicStich app on my iPad!  I've gotten rave reviews and it's peaked a bit of interest in our newest product line... Nurture ~ Soul Purpose skincare.  I just wanted to share, that it was FREE and easy to create and can help you to gain product orders without spending lots of money from your marketing budget!
Thanks for your comments and reviews, below! 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

National Small Business Month: Helping Small Businesses Grow

National Small Business Month is May 2012!
 Take a look at this article that I found with resources to help you with online marketing!
(Click below.)

National Small Business Month: Helping Small Businesses Grow

Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Price Your eBook

How to Price Your eBook

You've written and compiled an eBook. Now you have to decide how much to charge for it. Finding the right price is essential to the success of your product. If you charge too little, people will think it's of little value, and they won't purchase it, or even it they do buy your book, you will have to sell thousands of copies to get to the point where you can begin to see a profit. If you price it too high when compared with your competition, you will find yourself steadily lowering the price, which will cause you all kinds of new problems in the future. For example, if you sell your eBook at first for  $29.99, and later reduce it to $14.95, don't you think the people who bought it for $29.99 are going to be upset?

Choosing the right price for your eBook is one of the most critical parts of the marketing process. The first rule of pricing eBooks is to never underprice.  Determine the highest price your audience can afford, and then if you find your book isn’t selling, you can always reduce the price. Before you take that step, make sure you are promoting your book like crazy on the Internet and on websites. The price should be aimed at bringing in profits, but you should never forget that price is one of the factors that people use in judging the value of your eBook, before they buy it. So always start with the highest price, and then launch a mega-marketing campaign.

Pricing an eBook is particularly difficult because eBooks are a fairly new commodity. Since they are digital, the value of an eBook is as confusing as the understanding of what digital actually is to the average layperson. This means that we must look at eBooks in a different light in order to determine their actual worth in this brave, new cyber world.

Let's look at the difference between a book in print and an eBook. A printed book is an object you can hold in your hand, store on your bookshelf, even hand down to the next generation. It is priced on factors such as paper stock, design and production costs, and marketing.

But the fact that unites eBooks and print books is that they are composed of ideas. It is the ideas in these books that have the ability to change, or possibly transform, people's lives.

What do you think an idea is worth when evaluated against the cost of paper and ink?

It is the IDEAS that are valuable! That is how you determine the cost of your eBook.  What should I charge for my ideas?

There are all different formulas and methods for determining the correct price for your eBook. Let's begin with honing in on your ultimate goals.

Decide if your goal is to get wide distribution and maximum exposure. This goal is aimed at drawing customers to your business or service, or to establishing the credibility of your reputation. If this is your main goal, you should aim to keep your price on the low side. Some authors have even priced

their eBooks at a profit loss to draw a high number of new customers. The key is to find a price that maximizes your profits and the number of books you sell.

This is an excellent pricing strategy if you are looking to acquire long-term customers. Long-term customers are extremely likely to buy from you again and again ? as long as the first eBook they buy is of exceptional quality and beneficial to the customer.

However, if your book contains valuable content and more importantly NEW information, references, or techniques, then you should aim to price it on the high end.

After you figure out your goal, you must figure out what your audience's need is for your eBook. For example, does your book solve a particular problem? If it does, and solves it in a way that hasn't been written about in one hundred other eBooks, you will be able to achieve high sales at a high price. If your book solves a problem or answers questions in a new and unique way, you should price your book as high as you can go. You will achieve larger profits this way, but bring in fewer customers. Just make sure the question or problem that your book solves is one that is important and relevant to the majority of your market audience. If your ideas are not common knowledge, or you are presenting a brand new technique, you will be able to sell books at a high price. Just be prepared for your competition to undercut you on price as soon as they hear about your book.

Keep in mind that the above pricing strategy is temporary. Eventually, you will cease to sell books at this high price. So figure out in advance how long you plan to offer your eBook at this high price, and when that time is up, change your pricing strategy.

If you want to see large profits over customer draw, aim for an audience that is looking for easy solutions to their problems at a low price. If your book is aimed at solving one particular problem rather than general advice, then you can charge more. Start at the highest price the market will bear to bring in the largest profits, and plan to discount the book a number of times throughout the year.

Marketing Strategies

The key that unlocks the sales potential of your eBook is to find a single sentence that becomes your selling handle. This sentence states what question or problem your book answers and the benefits your eBook can provide. Then be sure to use that sentence in every piece of sales and promotional material, and every time anyone asks you about your eBook.

Besides promoting your books assiduously online, there are several other strategies that can help you sell more books.

One is to give something away for free with your book, such as a valuable bonus item. Or bundle several eBooks under one price, which lowers the price for each eBook if they were sold separately.

An effective technique for figuring out a price is to send out a survey to your current customers. If these customers have already bought an eBook from you, ask for their opinion in terms of price. Do this by creating a sales page for the new book, but don't include a price on that page. Instead, add a number of links to survey questions that ask pointed questions to aid you in assigning a price to your eBook.

Another strategy is to test out prices by creating a number of duplicate sales pages with different prices on each page. Make sure your sales copy is exactly the same on every page, and includes your selling-handle sentence. Then figure out for each page the conversion ratio between visitors to your site and sales of your book. This will tell you what your optimum price is.

Ultimately, if you've written a book that solves a problem or presents a new technique, your book will bring in both traffic and profits. So be sure to write that selling-handle sentence that sums up what problem your book solves and what the benefits of your book will be to the customers who purchase it. And then watch your market come to you!

*This Report is courtesy of Nakia Evans, author of 8 Steps to Quickly Build Your Direct Sales Business.  My eBook is currently published and marketed online with Amazon Kindle for $8.  You can visit my “squeeze page” at and order your copy online via paypal. 

Please visit my Blog, and enter your email address in the Follow by email box.  You will receive an email notice when I post helpful business information and release other reports to help you Brand Your Business. Thank you!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Why Write an eBook?

It's not true that everything that has been said has already been written. Since that unfortunate axiom came into use, the whole universe has changed. Technology has changed, ideas have changed, and the mindsets of entire nations have changed.

The fact is that this is the perfect time to write an eBook. What the publishing industry needs are people who can tap into the world as it is today – innovative thinkers who can make the leap into the new millennium and figure out how to solve old problems in a new way. EBooks are a new and powerful tool for original thinkers with fresh ideas to disseminate information to the millions of people who are struggling to figure out how to do a plethora of different things.

Let's say you already have a brilliant idea, and the knowledge to back it up that will enable you to write an exceptional eBook. You may be sitting at your computer staring at a blank screen wondering, "Why? Why should I go through all the trouble of writing my eBook when it's so impossible to get anything published these days?

Well, let me assure you that publishing an eBook is entirely different than publishing a book in print. Let's look at the specifics of how the print and cyber publishing industry differ, and the many reasons why you should take the plunge and get your fingers tapping across those keyboards!

Submitting a print book to conventional publishing houses or to agents is similar to wearing a hair shirt 24/7. No matter how good your book actually is, or how many critique services and mentor writers have told you that "you've got what it takes," your submitted manuscript keeps coming back to you as if it is a boomerang instead of a valuable mine of information.

Perhaps, in desperation, you've checked out self-publishing and found out just how expensive a venture it can be. Most "vanity presses" require minimal print runs of at least 500 copies, and even that amount will cost you thousands of dollars. Some presses' minimal run starts at 1,000 to 2,000 copies. And that's just for the printing and binding. Add in distribution, shipping, and promotional costs and - well, you do the math. Even if you wanted to go this route, you may not have that kind of money to risk.

Let's say you already have an Internet business with a quality website and a quality product. An eBook is one of the most powerful ways to promote your business while educating people with the knowledge you already possess as a business owner of a specific product or service.

For example, let's say that you've spent the last twenty-five years growing and training bonsai trees, and now you're ready to share your knowledge and experience. An eBook is the perfect way to reach the largest audience of bonsai enthusiasts.

EBooks will not only promote your business - they will help you make a name for yourself and your company, and establish you as an expert in your field. You may even find that you have enough to say to warrant a series of eBooks. Specific businesses are complicated and often require the different aspects to be divided in order for the reader to get the full story.

Perhaps your goals are more finely tuned in terms of the eBook scene. You may want to build a whole business around writing and publishing eBooks.  Essentially, you want to start an e-business. You are thinking of setting up a website to promote and market your eBooks. Maybe you're even thinking of producing an eZine.

One of the most prevalent reasons people read eBooks is to find information about how to turn their Internet businesses into a profit-making machine. And these people are looking to the writers of eBooks to provide them with new ideas and strategies because writers of eBooks are usually people who understand the new cyberspace world we now live in. EBook writers are experts in Internet marketing campaigns and the strategies of promoting and distributing eBooks. The cyberspace community needs its eBooks to be successful so that more and more eBooks will be written.

You may want to create affiliate programs that will also market your eBook. Affiliates can be people or businesses worldwide that will all be working to sell your eBooks. Think about this? Do you see a formula for success here?

Figure out what your subject matter is, and then narrow it down. Your goal is to aim for specificity. Research what's out there already, and try to find a void that your eBook might fill.

What about an eBook about a wedding cake business? Or an eBook about caring for elderly pets? How about the fine points of collecting ancient pottery?

You don't have to have three masters degrees to write about your subject. People need advice that is easy to read and easily understood. Parents need advice for dealing with their teenagers. College students need to learn good study skills - quickly. The possibilities are endless.

After you've written your eBook

Getting your eBook out is going to be your focus once you've finished writing it, just as it is with print books. People will hesitate to buy any book from an author they've never heard of. Wouldn't you?

The answer is simple: give it away! You will see profits in the form of promoting your own business and getting your name out. You will find affiliates who will ask you to place their links within your eBook, and these affiliates will in turn go out and make your name known. Almost every single famous eBook author has started out this way.

Another powerful tool to attract people to your eBook is to make it interactive. Invent something for them to do within the book rather than just producing pages that contain static text. Let your readers fill out questionnaires, forms, even crossword puzzles geared to testing their knowledge on a particular subject. Have your readers hit a link that will allow them to recommend your book to their friends and associates. Or include an actual order form so at the end of their reading journey, they can eagerly buy your product.

When people interact with books, they become a part of the world of that book. The fact is just as true for books in print as it is for eBooks.

That's why eBooks are so essential. Not only do they provide a forum for people to learn and make sense of their own thoughts, but they can also serve to promote your business at the same time.

*This Report is courtesy of Nakia Evans, author of 8 Steps to Quickly Build Your Direct Sales Business.  My eBook is currently published and marketed online with Amazon Kindle for $8.  You can visit my “squeeze page” at and order your copy online via paypal or visit to check out more of my eBooks.  
Also, Please visit my Blog, and enter your email address in the Follow by email box.  You will receive an email notice when I post helpful business information and release other reports to help you Brand Your Business. Thank you!

Monday, February 27, 2012

What is Branding and How Important is it to Your Marketing Strategy?

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a
 "name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.

Therefore it makes sense to understand that branding is not about getting your target market to choose you over the competition, but it is about getting your prospects to see you as the only one that provides a solution to their problem.

The objectives that a good brand will achieve include:
  • Delivers the message clearly
  • Confirms your credibility
  • Connects your target prospects emotionally
  • Motivates the buyer
  • Concretes User Loyalty
To succeed in branding you must understand the needs and wants of your customers and prospects. You do this by integrating your brand strategies through your company at every point of public contact.

Your brand resides within the hearts and minds of customers, clients, and prospects. It is the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence, and some that you cannot.

A strong brand is invaluable as the battle for customers intensifies day by day. It's important to spend time investing in researching, defining, and building your brand. After all your brand is the source of a promise to your consumer. It's a foundational piece in your marketing communication and one you do not want to be without.

Monday, February 20, 2012

5 Inspiring Custom Logo and Graphic Design Ideas Angela Willis

Many people think you need to be creative all the time to be in a creative field. I don’t believe so. I know I do pretty well and I don’t think that creativity is seeping out of me. I think I’ve just become good at developing ways to find inspiration when I need it so I can create great custom graphics and logos for myself and my clients.

So here are five sources of web site graphics design inspiration you might not have thought of:

1. Down The Road - When you’re driving down the street have a look at the logos and colors you see in the businesses as you drive by. Most of these businesses will have hired a professional to create the graphics you see on display and they are great sources of ideas for your next product. Have a look at the shapes, colors, fonts and the feeling you get when you view each image. Consider taking out a video camera and video taping as you drive by with your own commentary (as long as you’re not also driving the car, of course!).

2. Newspapers & Magazines - I was at my local library the other day and I picked up a couple of local magazines. One was the town activity guide about local living. Each had plenty of graphics and ads that I could peruse for ideas and inspiration. Collect your favorite magazines or a selection of different types if you serve clients and you’ll always have plenty to draw from when you’re stumped.

3. Popular Websites - Of course you’ll want to look online for sources of web page graphic design ideas. If you’re working on a particular product then look up keywords related to your project and see what sites come up. Pay attention to the colors and the logos you find on these sites. Also many popular sites have ads that you can look at. The great thing about looking at ads is that people often have these professionally designed as well so they’re often great sources of quality ideas and inspiration.

4. Nature and the Outside World - Sometimes being stuck at a computer isn’t the best way to get inspired. Nature is filled with beautiful shapes, colors and materials. If you’re needing a new idea take a drive or go for a walk, you’re sure to come up with new ways to design web graphics that you never would have thought of without drawing from natural beauty. Now, you can also go to a city and draw on your surroundings for colors, shapes and of course plenty of marketing you see.

5. Your Graphic Design Inspiration Book - One thing I’ve wanted to do for a while is to create a binder filled with graphics that inspire me. Also, in this book I’d add a section for all the design techniques I can use to create different effects. You see, there are so many ways to create graphics that sometimes we forget certain techniques when we need them. I know that’s how it works for me, anyway. My suggestion is to get a binder and a bunch of clear sheet protectors and then just start collecting graphics you like. Organize them as you go into different categories to suit your needs.

Inspiration comes from lots of places and the five listed above are a good place to start. I’m sure as you become aware of your need for inspiration you’ll start seeing new ideas as you go about your daily life. Good luck and have fun!

Graphics shouldn’t just be beautiful, they should also be profitable! Join me as I teach you through live weekly webinars, email coaching, video tutorials, templates and more how to design web logos and graphics that get clicks and sales for your business.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Creating a Unique Business Logo

by: Angela Willis

Have you thought much about the branding you’re putting forth to your customers and clients?

When it comes to marketing your business, something as simple as a memorable graphic or catchphrase can create brand recognition and help you establish your business reputation. This is so important because every business needs to establish a relationship where their customers know, like and trust them.
When you think of Nike, what do you think of? For most people, the image of the Nike swoosh or the words “just do it” automatically jump into their mind when they think of the company.
When you see an image of an apple with a bite taken out of it, what do you think of? Many people will answer that question with either “Apple Computers” or “iPod”.

Establishing your own business logo or slogan can help people remember your business and think of it when the time comes that they actually want to use what you have to offer.

Branding With a Logo or Slogan
New visitors to your website will most likely not buy as soon as they get there. Most likely they’re going to see what you have to offer and then comparison shop or surf around looking at similar information.
You need to stand out in order to get them to return!

Creating a Logo That Helps You Stand Out
Look, the honest truth here is that a logo is not going to make or break your business. If you have a good one that helps you stand out that’s GREAT, but if you don’t have a logo you can continue and build a successful business.
The key to creating a logo that is unlike any other is to make sure it is completely authentic and infused with YOUR personality.
An example I can give you is in my own business here at Marketers Mojo. The name of this site itself is a great reflection of my own personality. I just love the word ‘mojo’ and the feel it gives.
Now of course my logo and branding is not just about me. It’s about my market and what they can relate to. The great thing about creating such an authentic logo is that it attracts people who also really resonate with what it represents. That way I work with people like me – and THAT makes for a business that I am completely in love with.

Logos That Associate You With Something
By creating your branding and logo you are associating something with your business. It may be a symbol or an animal or anything really. The important point is that when people see this representation anywhere else they may end up thinking of you if you’ve done your branding well.
When deciding which type of logo to use, think about your business and how you want to be perceived. Who is your target market and what type of things are they interested in? If your target market consists of grandmothers who are active, adding a rocking chair to your logo may insult them. However, featuring an older lady in tennis shoes or a in a jogging suit doing Pilates may make them laugh. This could be the type of logo that will stick with them and make them remember you.
The same goes for your slogan. Think of how you want to be represented and what appeals to your target market. In most cases it’s best to stay away from anything offensive, such as curse words or slang.
You will also want to stay away from trends. Your business logo and slogan can be with you for years. What is “cool” today can be “cold” tomorrow. Plan for a long-term investment and stick with what you will be proud of five or ten yeas from now.

How to Create a Free Business Logo
No cash to hire a graphic designer to create your logo? If you’ve got a bit of time on your hands to learn some graphic design yourself you could use the free graphics software program, Gimp. Gimp allows you to edit, create and enhance images and graphics for your website, business and branding.
You can learn more about using Gimp by checking out my program that offers live weekly webinars, email coaching, video tutorials, templates and more for creating great graphics and logos for your business.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Value of Watching Over The Shoulder of A Pro

Ever thought what it would be like to sit beside a seasoned web developer and learn as they work?

Years ago, a marketing manager decided he would hire a web development company to build them a web site. He then instructed a young lady who was among his staff to spend an entire day at the web developers’ offices to learn how to update their new site.

The young lady was excited as she was really curious. At the same time, she was also nervous. Would it be difficult? Could she handle this? What if all this is way over her head?
She was awfully lucky that day because she got paired with a designer-developer who patiently answer questions and freely shared his knowledge.

Sitting side by side, he show her how to update the site. Later, he began building a web site from scratch. At every action, he took time to explain what he was doing and why he did things that way, while she watched and took it all in.

That woman is Lynette Chandler. She says, that single, simple event, changed her career direction forever. It sparked a new passion. Lynette took this new found knowledge, built upon it and used it to create a profitable business with services and products ranging from web development to WordPress plugins, themes and more.

Lynette is fully aware just how fortunate she was to have been paired up with an experienced, professional developer who was willing to do what he did. So many are afraid of you stealing their ‘secrets’ they don’t necessarily tell you what’s going on in their head as they work. But he did and Lynette recognized the immense value in that. In the early days of her business and even on occasion today, she often draws upon what she learned from him.

That’s why, when Lynette started customizing a theme for one of her own projects recently, she decided to record it, explain her steps, the decisions made as she went and why. The result is a 5 part video training that is raw and unedited; filled with golden nuggets and instantly usable knowledge for any web developer or anyone who wants to work on their own web design.  Watching it, would be as close to sitting next to Lynette as you can get. Just like she did with her mentor.

You can learn more or get a copy of this recording at
While you’re there. Make sure you check out her other training courses. Lynette is a wonderful and patient technical teacher. Someone you’d enjoy learning from.

Monday, January 30, 2012

How to write a 30-second TV commercial script

We use YOUTUBE to broadcast our "commercials". YouTube videos are just like TV my opinion.
TV commercials are not like other media, such as print or websites.A reader browsing a website has plenty of time to absorb information and can even reread copy that is interesting or informative.However, TV commercials happen in real time. Most local spots run 30 seconds. That’s all the time you have to tell the viewer about whatever you’re selling. When it’s over, it’s over. below to read more:

How to write a 30-second TV commercial script

Friday, January 27, 2012

Your Creative Thinking Can Improve Your Business Results


As a Business Owner, You Have to Focus:  Creativity; Continuous Learning and Consistent Implementation 

Has your business been challenged by the current economic status?  It is an opportunity to put into action the advice: “When given lemons, make lemonade.” It is the notion that a failing business or a struggling small business CAN turn around with a few additions of “sugar and water”.  But what is that sugar and water for your business?  First it is creative thinking or thinking “out of the box” and stretching your own creativity.

Your business plan is designed to be your map to success.  But just like driving to a destination, it is easy to be distracted, make a wrong turn or get confused by the landmarks.  The map helps to keep you on track, keep your focus and keep you moving in the right direction!!

Business plans just like life plans are not written in stone.  They are fluid and always subject to changes and revisions.. Your business is bound to have at least one of these changes in direction or new destination and perhaps it will have more than one.  It could be the addition of new products, services; or a new location; or new management, but something will change along the way.

An essential component of your plan is your marketing plan.  And, with the Internet, marketing has become even more fluid than in the past.  Marketing used to be simpler, perhaps.  Now is is an ever changing environment. You plan for a set of strategies and techniques and then the marketing environment changes, like with the advent of social media and your plan has to change to accommodate these innovations.  You have to figure out how they fit into your business.
Press releases used to be just that, a press release to local media.  Now you can submit your press releases online as well as to the local media.  The resulting affect is multi-dimensional.

Knowing your numbers is an essential in marketing, so that you can tell what is working and what is not and you can make changes when you see your sales numbers tumbling. This is why you want your marketing strategies to be cutting edge.  You need to be watching what works in the market place and making the needed changes to your plan.  When new media comes online, it is an opportunity to look at it and evaluate HOW it will work in your business.  The marketing strategies that you are currently using can become stagnate and ineffective.  If you are not constantly evaluating what you are doing and what other strategies you can implement you can lose touch with your target market and how to reach them effectively. It is not a time to get comfortable with the status quo.  It is a time to be watching, evaluating and implementing all that you can.

Taking on new strategies can be overwhelming.  Twitter, for example is a marketing tool that many laughed at when it first came on the scene.  Even the media questioned what it was and why people would use it.  But now, a year later, you see all major media personalities are using Twitter. Is your target market there too?

Learning new strategies for reaching out to your current and potential customers just makes sense.  It gives you a new venue for adding your marketing message, building a new community of “followers” or contacts and reaching out.

Continuous learning is an essential key.  You have to stay up on what is happening and what new strategies you need to implement.  Be creative in how you implement new strategies for your business and be sure that each strategy is a good fit.  But don’t ignore new strategies because you don’t understand them. You might miss something very important that will work well for you.
Creativity, consistency and continuous learning are all essential as you build your business.

The Bizology.Biz program starts with Vision and Strategy, guiding business owners to build effective systems. To become an affiliate of Bizology.Biz visit:

Donna Price, developed the Bizology.Biz program based on her experience with small business coaching, business clients and their growth.  Bizology.Biz is a highly affordable business coaching program.

Monday, January 23, 2012

What You Need to Design Your Business Website

So you’re ready to build your own website on the internet. Congratulations!
You’ve made a smart decision by researching just what you will need. You see, it would be a mistake to just take the advice of the first person who tells you how to build a website. You likely have a relative or friend who knows how to make a site but that doesn’t mean it’s going to suit your needs.

Let’s find out exactly what you need to design a website.

1. A Business Plan – You might not think of a business plan as an essential website design tool but it absolutely is. The first thing you need to know before you do a domain name search is what you intend to do with your website. You see, websites can do a lot of different things.
A website is kind of like a puppet. It’s up to you to pull the right strings and make it do what you want it to.

Here are just some of the duties a website can perform:
Online Brochure – Maybe your business is pretty much offline and for now you want to keep it that way. Your website can be nothing more than an online brochure that directs people to pick up the phone and call you for your products or services.
Ecommerce – Maybe your business plan is to have a full blown ecommerce site selling physical products through an online shopping cart.
Information Products – Maybe you want to offer digital ‘information’ products through your website.
Services – Do you want to sell services online? This is another function a website can perform.

2. A Domain Name – The next thing you need to do to design a website is get a domain name. It’s important to choose a domain name that fits your business and that is easy to remember. It’s almost always best to choose a .com domain name because that’s what people remember and type in most.
Before you buy a domain name, it’s also a good idea to do keyword research to find out what people are typing in to find your business in the search engines. Then you can create a domain name that closely matches what people are looking for.

3. Website Hosting – Once you have a domain name you will need to host your website somewhere. It’s kind of like paying rent for the space your website occupies on the internet.
Find a host with a good control panel that offers you easy to install software programs and also good website statistics tracking.

4. Website Software or Coding From Scratch – Now the final step is to actually build a website.
This can be done in a number of ways:
  • From Scratch – Unless you want to spend a lot of time studying, creating and editing coding forget this option!
  • Website Builder – A website builder is a piece of software that is included with some hosting companies and allows you to build your website online. These can be good but some have limited options.
  • Website Software – There are many different programs out there that will help you build a website without having to know the coding behind it. Programs like Dreamweaver, Microsoft Expressions and NVU are a few. My favorite is a blogging software called WordPress that allows you to create blogs and websites through your hosting control panel.

Finally, building a website is a process. Break it up into various steps if you have to but remember that it’s not going to be perfect from the start. Accept that, get going and give yourself permission to fix it as you go.

Here is a resource that shows you through online videos, webinars and an email coaching program just how easy it is to design your own business website.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Top 10 To-Do’s Before You Hit Send

I enjoyed reading this article and I will most likely use this as a checklist..... take a look: (click the link)
Top 10 To-Do’s Before You Hit Send

Top 10 To-Do’s Before You Hit Send

I enjoyed reading this article and I will most likely use this as a checklist..... take a look: (click the link)
Top 10 To-Do’s Before You Hit Send

Monday, January 16, 2012

A sales process is a defined series of steps you follow as you guide prospects from initial contact to purchase. It begins when you first identify a new prospect: 
Take a look at this Sales Process & create your own 5 step process.  Comment below to let us know what you've come up with. Thanks!
A prospect responds to a campaign & requests informationA sales rep calls the prospect to explain your productIn-person meeting & product demoYour team submits a proposal or additional informationProspect signs an agreement & makes first payment

Monday, January 9, 2012

Stand Out From Your Competition!

What is a brand? Is it a logo? A name or slogan? A graphic design or color scheme?

Your brand is the entire experience your prospects and customers have with your company. It’s what you stand for, a promise you make, and the personality you convey. And while it includes your logo, color palette and slogan, those are only creative elements that convey your brand. Instead, your brand lives in every day-to-day interaction you have with your market:
  • The images you convey
  • The messages you deliver on your website, proposals and sales materials
  • The way your employees interact with customers
  • A customer’s opinion of you versus your competition
Branding is crucial for products and services sold in huge consumer markets. It’s also important in B2B because it helps you stand out from your competition. It brings your competitive position and value proposition to life; it positions you as a certain “something” in the mind of your prospects and customers. Your brand consistently and repeatedly tells your prospects and customers why they should buy from you.

Think about successful consumer brands like Disney, Tiffany or Starbucks. You probably know what each brand represents. Now imagine that you’re competing against one of these companies. If you want to capture significant market share, start with a strong and unique brand identity or you may not get far.

In your industry, there may or may not be a strong B2B brand. But when you put two companies up against each other, the one that represents something valuable will have an easier time reaching, engaging, closing and retaining customers. A strong brand strategy can be a big advantage.

If you need help developing a Brand Strategy, set up an appointment with me!

Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year A New Business Plan

From Darrell Zahorsky, Guide

At the start of a new year, many companies will revisit their business plans and goals.
A business plan is only useful if it's updated and not a dust collector. Your business plan will help you look at what worked in the past year, what is outdated, and areas for improvement. Every small business owner makes assumptions about their industry and business in general. Take a look from outside your business with a fresh perspective. What would you do differently if you were to start your business over again? Revisit your business goals and make use of the SMART process of business goal setting.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Logo's & Photo Shop work at

Check out my video showing different graphics work I've completed. I can help you with your photo's or Logo Design for as little as $5!

eMail me at for more details..... Send your photo's & PayPal email address for a Quote.